Payment Information

Daily Parking Fees

Payment required 6 am to pm / 365 days per year

Per Hour - $3.00

All Day - $15.00

NO CASH PAYMENTS ACCEPTED FOR PARKING PAYMENT.  A valid major credit or debit card is required for the payment of daily parking fees.

Payment of daily parking fees is required upon arrival

* All non-paid/non-permitted vehicles are subject to enforcement

Payments can be processed from your mobile phone by simply scanning the QR code or using the TEXT -TO -PAY information provided on parking signage. You will be required to enter your license plate number during the payment process. It is your responsibility to ensure your license plate number is completely accurate.

Payment Kiosks are Located at the Following Beach Lots:

  • Bicentennial Beach

  • Millennium Beach

All city parking lots offer mobile phone payments

All ADA customers are fully exempt from the paid parking program provided the placard is properly placed and fully visible.

*Daily parking fees are specific to your license plate number and cannot be transferred to another vehicle.

*No refunds of daily parking fees will be made.

* Parking fees are made specific to each parking lot. You may leave and return to the parking lot if your period of payment is still valid.